Writing an essay could be what determines whether you pass or fail in your course. Essay are pieces of academic writing that expects the author to put forth insights on a particular subject based on facts gathered from various sources.

Your instructors have given you a difficult essay on death penalty. Your mind is already struggling to understand what the essay is about. Later on, they tell you that it’s a Chicago style essay.

So this is the time to write an argumentative essay, and you aren't sure of what it is? We have put together everything you need to know about argumentative essays, starting from what they are, how to write, what differentiates them from other, and some examples to give you idea to start with.

Here we are going to get you introduced to one of the most picturesque and vividly explained essay-form.

Your instructors have told you to write a descriptive essay with regards to a certain topic. The first thing that comes to mind is that you’re clueless on how to write it.

Essays are a common part of the life of students in almost all levels of education. An essay seeks to develop ones writing skills as well as helping the person learn and discover more on a particular subject or topic.

A newbie to writing an essay? There is nothing to worry about! We have compiled here everything you would need to know in order to put together a great essay.

Writing an essay is part of every student's regular life. From graduation, post-graduation, to research studies, there are several types of essays that differ from each other in content, structure, flow and a lot of other essential things, and dealing with each one takes different amount of methodology, time and design.

College students often have to do a lot of writing before they can graduate. Of the many forms of writing that one has to do college essay writing is the most common.

The commonest form of writing is essay writing. There are numerous genres of this form of academic writing that a student has to fully master before being allowed to graduate from college.