Homelessness essay

April 21, 2015 - Posted to Useful Tips To Improve Essay Writing Skills Homelessness essay

A Guide to Writing Your Best Homelessness Essay

The topic of homelessness might be covered in any number of college classes. If you have been instructed to write a homelessness essay, you want to produce a paper that is both factual, and insightful. Chances are, you have several questions. You're probably wondering what the topic of your homeless essay is going to be, you're probably wondering which resources to use, and finally, you're probably wondering how to structure your essay on homelessness. Don't worry. All you need to do is keep reading, and you will learn everything you need to know when it comes to writing essays on homelessness.


Topic Suggestions and Writing Prompts

Selecting a good topic is very important. You want to choose a subject that is interesting to you, and that will educate and inform your readers. If you haven't come up with a topic yet, please review these suggestions. We hope that at least one of these will be a good fit for you.

  • How are local programs in your town helping with the homelessness problem?
  • Is it right for state and local governments to make feeding homeless people a crime?
  • Should abandoned buildings be re-purposed into housing for the homeless?
  • What steps should the Veterans Administration take to aid homeless vetereans?
  • Write an essay about homelessness concentrating on the plight of homeless children and teenagers.
  • What should school districts do to assist homeless students
  • Write an argumentative essay about homeless families. Should the children of homeless parents be placed into foster care or not?
  • Read a non fiction account of the daily life of a homeless person. Write a reflective essay on that work. Did you feel sorry for the person? Was their anything about the story that surprised you?
  • Compose a helping the homeless essay about the work a community leader in your area is doing to advocate for members of the homeless population.
  • What needs to be done to deal with the mentally ill homeless population.
  • Write a persuasive essay on pan-handling. Is it better to give homeless people money directly, or should that money be given to charities that provide assistance to the homeless.
  • Write a homeless people essay about individuals who choose homelessness. Is it their right to choose this lifestyle, or should they be forced into housing for their own safety.

Recommended Resources for Your Essay

Because there are many local and state agencies that have programs that are related to the topic of homelessness, you might want to start with their websites. You are likely to find statistics, data, and information about what each agency does. Government agencies of this sort are also required to publish annual reports. These are also a great resource. If your school has access to a scholarly database, you can also search there for published articles and other information. You may want to look under the academic sub categories of Social Work, Sociology, Health and Human Services, Psychology, Political Science, Medicine, and Education to find the information you need. As always, your library and your favorite search engine are two other options. Just remember to use a variety of sources that pass academic muster.

The Structure of Your Essay

After you have all of your information and notes together, you are ready to decide on the structure of your essay. This is where you decide in which order you will present your information to your reader. You may want to organize the body of your paper in chronological order, or you may want to sequence your paragraphs from least to most significant. Just remember that sequence does make a difference.

At this point, you are ready to begin researching and writing. If need any extra help on this writing assignment, or future papers, please contact Premieressay.net. Our professional writers will be happy to assist you.

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